Innovative Neurotechnologies Scientific Interest Group
The Optogenetics interest group meets to discuss and share knowledge on recent technical and scientific advances in the field of optogenetics. Topics discussed have included novel opsins, how-tos on setting up equipment, research findings, optical imaging, among others. In general, we have one presenter, followed by an open discussion period.
This group meets monthly for the purpose of sharing information and discussing new advances in optogenetics among researchers at the NIH. The group is open to beginners and experienced users of any optogenetic technologies.
Mailing List
To join the Innovative Neurotechnologies Scientific Interest Group mailing list, please visit the Innovative Neurotechnologies Scientific Interest Group Listserv home page, then click the “Subscribe or Unsubscribe” link in the right sidebar.
- Alexxai Kravitz, Ph.D., NIDDK
- Alexander Chesler, Ph.D., NCCIH
- Alexxai Kravitz, Ph.D., NIDDK
- Alexander Chesler, Ph.D., NCCIH
Scientific Focus Areas
This page was last updated on Thursday, August 12, 2021