Board of Scientific and Clinical Directors Subcommittees
Shared Resources Subcommittee
The Shared Resources Subcommittee addresses the operation of selected resources that are voluntarily supported by all Institute or Center (IC) intramural research programs. For a list of the major IRP shared research resources, please visit the IRP Research Resources page. A comprehensive list of the SRS-funded central and shared resources can also be found on the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx).
Committee Charge
Given the requirement of highest quality oversight and review of scientific activities at the NIH, the need of the NIH research community to have access to state-of-the-art technologies and novel approaches to the solution of biomedical problems, and the current limitation on resources such as space, budget, and FTEs, the Subcommittee on Shared Resources of the Board of Scientific Directors was charged to:
- Evaluate selected existing shared scientific resources at NIH to determine the appropriate administrative location of these programs to assure proper oversight and efficient utilization of NIH resources;
- Analyze the impact of changes in administration of existing shared resources on budget, space, and FTE allocations and suggesting procedures to deal with these changes as well as a process to bring about change which is fair to all ICs;
- Review specific proposals to change the administrative venue of existing shared resources;
- Suggest new scientific resources, including their enumeration and how and where they should be established to assure accessibility to the NIH community (e.g., mass spectrometry, EM crystallography, combinatorial chemistry, transgenic facilities, etc.).
NIH Lecture Subcommittee
Committee Charge
To develop a slate of nominees to present the NIH, Dyer, Mider, Pittman, and J.E. Rall Cultural lectures. Please visit the NIH WALS Website for detailed lecture information.
Subcommittee Process
Committee members are appointed by the Deputy Director for Intramural Research (DDIR). Requests for nominations are solicited from IC Directors, Scientific Directors (SD), Clinical Directors, Chairs of Special Interest Groups, NIH Fellows Committee, Women Scientist Advisors, groups representing under-represented scientists, and all intramural scientists. Nominations should be accompanied by a one- to two-paragraph summary on each nominee, including a précis of his/her work. Nominees are reviewed by the Subcommittee and presented to the Scientific Directors early in the calendar year for their recommendations. Final selections are made by the Director, NIH.
Scientific Directors/Clinical Directors (SD/CD) Agenda Subcommittee
The SD/CD agenda subcommittee is composed of at least six members of the Board of Scientific and Clinical Directors. It meets generally by conference call one week before SD meetings to discuss proposed agenda items and to develop new topics for discussion. The subcommittee makes its recommendations to the DDIR for regular meetings and for special meetings and retreats.
This page was last updated on Thursday, April 18, 2024