Site Map
- About OIR
- OIR Leadership & Staff
- Nina F. Schor, M.D., Ph.D.
- Roland A. Owens, Ph.D.
- Janice Lee, D.D.S., M.D., M.S.
- Andy Baxevanis, Ph.D.
- Charles R. Dearolf, Ph.D.
- Nadine Fonrose, M.A.
- Arlyn García-Pérez, Ph.D.
- Carl Hashimoto, Ph.D.
- Kathryn M. Partin, Ph.D.
- Rena Rodriguez, B.S.
- Dierdre S. Andrews
- Diana Gomez
- Chanee' M. Jackson
- Karen Nemes
- Risa Isonaka, Ph.D.
- Parker Ruhl, M.D., M.H.S.
- Lisa L. Coronado, M.B.A.
- Bonny Harbinger, Ph.D., J.D.
- David B. Resnik, J.D., Ph.D.
- Richard G. Wyatt, M.D.
- Intramural Targeted Anti-COVID-19 (ITAC) Awards
- DDIR Innovation Awards
- Long-Term IRP Planning
- OIR Offices
- OIR Leadership & Staff
- Sourcebook
- Board of Scientific and Clinical Directors
- Committees Advisory to the DDIR
- Advisory Committee to the DDIR
- Assembly of Scientists (AOS)
- Committee on Scientific Conduct and Ethics (CSCE)
- Central Tenure Committee (CTC)
- Chairs of the Boards of Scientific Counselors
- Tenure-Track Investigators Committee
- Fellows Committee (FelCom)
- Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) Steering Committee
- PostBac Committee
- Women Scientist Advisors (WSA) Committee
- Animal Research Advisory Committee (ARAC)
- Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) Committee
- NIH Intramural Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) Committee
- Facilities Working Group
- NIH Space Recommendation Board
- PHS Technology Transfer Policy Board
- Processes for Reviewing NIH Intramural Science
- Intramural Program Oversight
- Intramural Administrative Management Council
- Personnel
- IPDs and Appointment Mechanisms
- Official List of Approved Intramural Professional Designations (IPDs)
- Senior Investigator
- Investigator
- Senior Clinician
- Senior Scientist
- Assistant Clinical Investigator
- Staff Clinician
- Staff Scientist
- Senior Research Assistant / Research Assistant
- Adjunct Investigator
- Scientist Emeritus
- Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Fellow
- Visiting Fellow
- ORISE Senior Fellow
- Senior Clinical Fellow
- Clinical Fellow
- Senior Research Fellow
- Research Fellow
- Student Opportunities
- Contractors
- Guest Researchers / Special Volunteers
- Research Collaborators
- Faculty Development
- Policies and Recruitment Processes
- 5-Year / 8-Year Duration Rule
- Addendum to On-Site Research Collaborators (RC) Policies: On-Site RC Conducting Human Subjects Research at NIH
- Clarification on Searches for Scientific Director and Clinical Director
- Departing Staff Request to Remove Copies of NIH Records
- Extension Exceptions for Non-FTE Trainees for COVID-19
- Fair Review Principles for Nominations of Staff Scientists for Associate Scientist and Senior Associate Scientist Titles
- Guide for Avoiding Undue Foreign Interference with IRP Research
- Guidelines for Parental/Family Excused Absence for IRTAs, CRTAs, and Visiting Fellows
- Mandated Training for Scientific Staff Working in NIH Facilities
- Policy for a Letter of Agreement for Staff Scientists
- Policy for Reassignment or Early Termination of Awards to Postbaccalaureate Fellows
- Policy for Reassignment or Early Termination of Awards to Postdoctoral Fellows
- Policy for Reassignment or Early Termination of Awards to Predoctoral Fellows
- Policy for Use of Contract Workers to Support Scientific Functions in the IRP
- Policy on Use of English for Official Scientific Communication in NIH Laboratories and Branches
- Postdoctoral Fellows (IRTA/CRTA/VF) Temporary Exceptional Extensions Policy
- Roles of Lab and Branch Chiefs (or Equivalent)
- Telework Policies for IRTA/CRTA and Visiting Fellows
- Working with Displaced Title 42 Staff Scientists/Clinicians
- Quality-of-Life Features
- Sabbaticals
- Opportunities for Short Assignments / Details at the NIH
- IPDs and Appointment Mechanisms
- Tenure in the NIH Intramural Research Program
- Awards, Fellowships, & Grant Opportunities
- Ethical Conduct
- Research Misconduct
- Guidelines on Conduct of Research
- Research Ethics
- Authorship Guidelines and Resources
- Special Research Considerations
- Responsible Conduct of Research Training
- Government Ethics
- Bioethics
- Mentoring & Training
- Submitting Research Publications
- Intramural Research Communications & Resources
- Lectures & Events
- About WALS
- Current Lecture Season
- Past Lecture Seasons & Speakers
- Named & Honorific Lectures
- NIH Director’s Lecture
- Rolla E. Dyer Lecture
- G. Burroughs Mider Lecture
- Marshall W. Nirenberg Lecture
- Margaret Pittman Lecture
- J. Edward Rall Cultural Lecture
- Astute Clinician Lecture
- Robert S. Gordon Jr. Lecture
- George Khoury Lecture
- Florence Mahoney Lecture on Aging
- William E. Paul Lecture
- DeWitt Stetten Jr. Lecture
- Continuing Medical Education Credits
- NIH Research Festival
- The NIH Research Festival is the showcase for intramural research
- Visit Website
- SIGs
- SIGs by Name
- SIGs by Scientific Focus Area
- Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics
- Cancer Biology
- Cell Biology
- Chemical Biology
- Chromosome Biology
- Clinical Research
- Computational Biology
- Developmental Biology
- Epidemiology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Health Disparities
- Immunology
- Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
- Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Molecular Pharmacology
- Neuroscience
- RNA Biology
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Stem Cell Biology
- Structural Biology
- Systems Biology
- Virology
- IRP Website
- A premier environment where creative scientists conduct fundamental research for the betterment of human health – we are the IRP
- Visit Website
- The NIH Catalyst
- A publication for and about the NIH intramural research community
- Visit Website
- The NIH Intramural Database collects and disseminates information about research being performed in the Intramural Programs
- Visit Website
This page was last updated on Monday, August 2, 2021