Virtual and Augmented Reality Scientific Interest Group (VARIG)
The goal of the Virtual and Augmented Reality Interest Group (VARIG) is to examine the role of virtual and augmented reality (VAR) in medical research. We are particularly interested in using immersion and presence to measure and modify human responses and memories using virtual environments.
VARIG meets monthly and the meeting topics alternate between the various aspects of VAR such as hardware, software, experiences and development. We are a hands-on group that tries to emphasize communication and learning. We also provide demos to introduce NIH researchers to these new and powerful technologies.
New members are always welcome.
Mailing List
To join the Virtual and Augmented Reality Scientific Interest Group (VARIG) mailing list, please visit the Virtual and Augmented Reality Scientific Interest Group (VARIG) Listserv home page, then click the “Subscribe or Unsubscribe” link in the right sidebar.
- John Ostuni, Ph.D., NINDS
- Jeremy Swan, NICHD
- John Ostuni, Ph.D., NINDS
- Sunbin Song, Ph.D., NINDS
Scientific Focus Areas
Social and Behavioral Sciences
This page was last updated on Thursday, August 12, 2021