Beyond DNA: Sequence variation in the RNA

Vivian G. Cheung, M.D.
Huetwell Professor of Pediatrics (Neurology)
Professor of Genetics
HHMI Investigator
University of Michigan
DNA is our genetic blueprint. Generally it is expected that RNA sequences are identical to the underlying DNA. However, there are exceptions to this one-to-one relationship, such as the A-to-G RNA editing mediated by ADAR proteins. The Cheung lab uncovered many more sites where RNA sequences differ from the underlying DNA, beyond those mediated by the known RNA-editing mechanisms. Dr. Cheung will describe their findings of RNA-DNA sequence Differences, RDDs, and how their study of juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is leading to an understanding of RDD formation.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, August 11, 2021