POSTPONED TILL FALL — RNA Splicing, Chromatin Modification, and the Coordinated Control of Gene Expression

Tracy Johnson, Ph.D.
HHMI Professor
Keith and Cecilia Terasaki Presidential Endowed Chair in the Life Sciences
Professor of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
University of California, Los Angeles
Tracy Johnson’s research program is focused on understanding the mechanisms of gene regulation, particularly RNA processing and chromatin modification. She developed the University of California, Los Angeles/Howard Hughes Medical Institute Pathways to Success program, a comprehensive strategy to provide students with an authentic research experience early in their academic careers while creating a rigorous, but supportive learning community. Johnson’s program has three key components: a research-based laboratory course called The Collaborative Undergraduate Research Lab (CURL), a mentoring network that integrates peer and hierarchical mentoring called the Pathways Mentor Network, and intensive learning communities called Academic Achievement Workshops.
This lecture is postponed till fall 2022.
This page was last updated on Thursday, May 19, 2022