Karina L. Walters, M.S.W., Ph.D. Indigenous Wellness Research Institute, University of Washington
American Indians and Alaska Natives have endured a succession of historically traumatic assaults and discriminatory events over time against their land, communities, families, and persons. Indigenous community discourse suggests that historical trauma combined with contemporary microaggressions distress can potentially become embodied in health outcomes and health-risk behaviors, particularly substance-use-related risk. Dr.
Dr. Deisseroth’s lecture will report on the development of optogenetics and CLARITY technologies. In the optogenetics domain, he will discuss strategies for targeting microbial opsins and light to meet the challenging constraints of the freely-behaving mammal, newly engineered microbial opsin genes spanning a range of optical, kinetic, and ion permeability properties, high-speed behavioral and neural activity-readout tools compatible with real-time optogenetic control, and the application of these tools to develop circuit-based insights into anxiety, depression, and motivated behaviors.
Donald E. Ingber, M.D., Ph.D. Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University
Dr. Ingber will describe the work that his group has been carrying out in the Biomimetic Microsystems and Programmable Nanomaterials platforms at the Wyss Institute, as well as their new model for innovation, collaboration, and technology translation. The goal of the first platform is to engineer human “Organs-on-Chips”: microchips lined by living human cells created with microfabrication techniques that recapitulate organ-level functions as a way to replace animal testing for drug development. Dr.
Jorge E. Galán, Ph.D., D.V.M. Yale University School of Medicine
Dr. Galán’s studies have led to the identification of the first pathogenicity island in Salmonella and the discovery and characterization of a type III protein secretion system (TTSS) in these bacteria, a specialized organelle that mediates the transfer of bacterial proteins into host cells. In a joint effort with Dr. Aizawa, his laboratory discovered the “needle complex”, a bacterial organelle that constitutes the core component of TTSSs.
This page was last updated on Tuesday, August 10, 2021